What is the FMO challenge?
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The FMO Challenge is a cardio-based challenge held throughout the month of September. You choose your fundraising goal and desired fitness activity (walking/running or cycling). Get active whenever and wherever at your own pace. Funds raised will support the Eye Disease Foundation's mission to fund eye disease research.

How can I participate?
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Here are the three steps to participate:

1. Sign up – Registration cost 10 $ and is open to anyone. You will choose your distance and fundraising goals. You set your own goals – this is YOUR challenge!

2. Personalize your profile page and connect your favourite fitness app to track your kilometers.

3. Keep track of your performance on your personal profile page.

What is the difference between solo and team participation?
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When you register, you can decide to create or join a team. You will be able to track your individual AND team performance on the leaderboard pages. We encourage you to create your team to motivate your friends and family to join the fun!

How to create and join a team:

1. Create or join a team during registration

During registration, you will be asked if you would like to create or join a team. This step will allow you to create a team by choosing a unique team name, setting a team fundraising goal, and setting a team running goal.

2. Join a team by searching the team name

If you have already registered and wish to join a team, search for the team’s name directly on the FMO Challenge website in the search bar menu. 

Check out the different prizes you can win when you participate as a team!

How much does it cost?
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Signing up for the FMO Challenge costs $10. The registration fee will contribute to the Eye Disease Foundation's mission to help finance eye disease research. 

If you wish to create an organization, visit our organisation page for more details. 
Organization - How can our employees join the challenge?
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Votre page de profil inclut votre relevé de distance personnel afin que vous puissiez suivre votre distance par rapport à votre cible. C'est un excellent moyen de tenir vos amis informés de vos entraînements !


Si vous suivez vos entraînements avec Fitbit, Strava, MapMyFitness ou Garmin, vos distances s'ajouteront automatiquement à votre décompte.

Suivez ces étapes pour suivre automatiquement vos KM :


  1. Téléchargez l'application Fitbit, Strava, MapMyFitness ou Garmin et configurez votre compte


  1. Connectez-vous à votre compte [nom de l'association ou de l'événement].


  1. Sous l'en-tête Connectez votre application Fitness préférée, cliquez sur l'application choisie.


  1. Suivez les invites pour connecter votre compte


  1. Lors de votre prochain entraînement, sélectionnez démarrer votre entraînement dans l'application sur votre téléphone. Une fois que vous avez terminé votre entraînement, enregistrez votre entraînement et votre distance sera publiée dans le décompte sur votre page le lendemain.

Si vous avez déjà synchronisé votre application mais qu'elle ne fonctionne pas, veuillez vous connecter et la reconnecter.

Fitbit : vous devez démarrer une activité et l'enregistrer. Si aucune activité n'est enregistrée, votre activité cumulée sera synchronisée à la fin de la journée. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes, essayez de synchroniser à la fois votre Fitbit et l'application Fitbit sur votre smartphone.

MapMyFitness : vous devez démarrer votre entraînement, arrêter votre entraînement, puis ENREGISTRER votre entraînement.

Strava : Vous devez démarrer votre entraînement, arrêter votre entraînement, puis ENREGISTRER votre entraînement.

Garmin : vous devez démarrer votre entraînement, arrêter votre entraînement, puis ENREGISTRER votre entraînement.

Votre pointage sera mis à jour chaque jour avec les dista
Is fundraising mandatory?
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No, fundraising isn’t mandatory to participate in the FMO Challenge. This is your personal challenge; you set your own goals! However, any amount you can fundraise will make an impact for vision health – doing good feels good!

How can I find my participant page?
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To log in your account, click here. 

Once you are logged in, you will see your Dashboard where you will find the link to your fundraising page in the masthead under your name with a View button, which will link you directly to your fundraiser page.

Where do the donations go?
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All donations will support the Eye Disease Foundation mission to fund eye disease research and promote vision health.
How do I track my kilometers?
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Your profile page includes your personal distance tally so you can track your distance towards your target. This is a great way to keep your friends updated on your workouts!

If you track your workouts with Fitbit, Strava, MapMyFitness or Garmin your distances will automatically add to your tally.

Follow these steps to track your KMs automatically:

1. Download the FitbitStrava, MapMyFitness or Garmin app and set up your account

2. Log in to your [charity or event name] account.

3. Under the heading Connect your preferred Fitness app, click your chosen app.

4. Follow the prompts to connect your account

5. When you next work out, select start your workout in the app on your phone. Once you end your workout, save your workout and your distance will be published to the tally on your page the following day.

If you have synced your app already but it is not working, please log in and re-connect it.

  • Fitbit: You must start an activity and save it. If no activity is logged, then your cumulative activity will sync at the end of the day. If you are having issues, try syncing through BOTH your Fitbit and the Fitbit app on your smartphone.
  • MapMyFitness: You must start your workout, stop your workout and then SAVE your workout. 
  • Strava: You must start your workout, stop your workout and then SAVE your workout.
  • Garmin: You must start your workout, stop your workout and then SAVE your workout.

Your tally will be updated each day with the previous day’s distances.

Which app can I use to track my kilometers?
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You can track your activities for free on Strava, Garmin, Fitbit or MapMyRun. By connecting your favourite tracking app to your Dashboard, your activities will be automatically uploaded on your profile.

For information on connecting your apps, click here.

Can I use my Apple Watch to track my kilometers?
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Yes. Here are the steps to connect your Apple Watch:

1. Connect your Apple Watch to your Strava or MapMyRun account.
2. Connect your Strava or MapMyRun account to your FMO Challenge profile page.
Can I start tracking my kilometers before September 1st?
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If you train before September 1st, your kilometers will not be published to your page and will remain at 0 km until the challenge officially starts on September 1st.

The challenge starts on September 1st at 12:00 AM and ends on September 30th at 11:59 PM. 

Are donations tax-receiptable?

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Yes, all online donations are eligible for tax receipts. Tax receipts for offline donations will only be issued for donations of $20 or more. If you are donating in someone else's name, be sure to include their correct name and mailing address.

 Please note: The $10 challenge registration fee is not eligible for donation receipts.

How do I access my tax receipt?
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If you’ve made an online donation, you will receive an automated email that includes your tax receipt.

How can I thank my donors?
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Here are two wonderful ways you can thank your donors:

  1. You can find a ‘Thank You’ email template on your Dashboard, which you can share directly or copy/paste into your own email account.
  2. Spread your thankfulness on social media (don't forget to tag your supporters!)

Other Questions?

Seeking answers or simply want to chat? Send us an email! Your questions fuel our passion for meaningful conversations – don't be shy, hit us up!

Write your message here.